We won 59 seats!

Our winning campaign is a “school bus yellow + apple” theme. The school bus yellow is synonymous with public schools and the apple refers to teachers! This eye-catching combo allows our candidates to stand out and stand for SUPPORTING PUBLIC SCHOOLS and SUPPORTING TEACHERS.

School board candidates supporting the agenda of Moms for Liberty, will hide from voters.

Here are the red flags that you will see from candidates who hide:
  • Do not have either a public candidate social media page or a website.
  • Do not have a phone number, email, or any method for voters to reach out.
  • Refuse to participate in public forums or debates.
  • Do not answer any media requests.
  • Don’t tell you why they running and who is funding their campaign.
  • Do not file ELEC reports for monetary or in-kind donations.
We do not hide

We Support Public Schools

Our BoardBOOST program supports your local public schools — a top reason many families with school-age children choose to move there! 


The general election voter will see our candidates who stand for these values and will vote for them in the November general election.

"My expertise is in how to get voters to vote."

Responsible for leading three historic Vote By Mail bills in New Jersey, the Founder and Executive Director is Uyen Khuong, pronounced “Winn”. Known for her expertise in vote by mail, Uyen also serves on the board of the nonpartian Vote At Home Institute. Most recently, Uyen was honored for the New Jersey State Governor’s Jefferson Awards in the Founder/Innovator category as well as nominated for the Russ Berrie Award. Uyen currently serves on the Steering Committee of Rising Stars at the Eagleton Institute. Media Appearances and Articles include the NY Times, New Jersey Globe, InsiderNJ, NJ.com, Philadelphia Inquirer, WNYC Radio, and PBS Newshour.

Winn Khuong

"Maureen's expertise is how to get the average person to buy — an idea, a new product, a new show."

Maureen Panzera is a 35-plus-year veteran in marketing, branding and creative design working in the entertainment field, developing program content and creating award winning consumer packaging. Her studio, SanPan Design, has created marketing campaigns, branding and consumer packaging for top media companies like HBO, BBC America, A&E, New Video, Comedy Central, Fox Sports, National Geographic and Broadway Video. Toy companies included: Hasbro, Parker Brothers, MGA Entertainment and countless others. She has worked on big projects like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Planet Earth, Everybody Love Raymond, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Sex and the City and Bratz Dolls.

Maureen Panzera

our core team

About BoardBOOST

We understand that you may have some questions about our program and the nonprofit behind it that runs this program. That’s why we have compiled a list of the most common questions our candidates ask. Feel free to browse through this list to see if your question has already been answered. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

BoardBOOST is a nonpartisan board of education training program run by Action Together New Jersey, a 501(4) nonprofit civic organization. Https://atnj.org

No, BoardBOOST is nonpartisan. We want to keep politics out of school board races and to fight back against the rhetoric that has been “copied and pasted” from national politics and special interest groups who want to weaken public schools in favor of school vouchers and private schools. 

  1. There are no requirements of political affiliation. We do not offer any endorsements of any Board of Education candidates and remain neutral with all trained BoardBOOST participants. 
  2. Participants in 2023 comprised a mix of self-identified Democrats, Republicans and Unaffiliated. We did not ask for their political affiliation and self-identifying with a political party is not disqualifying. 
  3. Our educational training is nonpartisan and are publicly viewable here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1aSrKChGgPy3j7_enGEXA
  4. You cannot get voter lists for no cost without going through the political parties. We are the only nonprofit in the state that has an independent voter database and we provide voter data for you to win your race that includes ALL political affiliations, not just one party.

Yes. Candidates have to agree to a set of nonpartisan values, listed here: https://njboe.info/values/ 

  1. Fair And Equitable — We are committed to serving every student in a fair and equitable manner
  2. Evidenced-Based — We make our best decisions when we rely on the best evidence available.
  3. Elevating Awareness — We support students to be conversant of contemporary issues in their community and world.
  4. Thriving Students — We support differentiated strategies and resources employed for students’ mental health.
  5. Caring And Kindness — We want to work collaboratively with others and remain respectful to our community and to each other.
  6. Nonpartisan — We live here and our kids go to these schools. It’s about neighbor-to-neighbor, over partisan politics

Yes, our BoardBOOST program’s agenda is to support public education and teachers. Our theme of yellow and apple is very straightforward: the yellow is the “school bus yellow” signifying public schools and the apple alludes directly to teachers. We want decent and good people who want to serve their community and not partisan hacks. Other candidates have been openly endorsed by the hate group, Moms for Liberty, and the extreme right-of-center, The New Jersey Project. While Action Together New Jersey leans “left” in politics, our work on BoardBOOST is completely nonpartisan. We completely reject book censorship/banning and the rollback of Policy 5756 that leaves schools at legal risk while harming LGBTQ+ students. We do not want the chaos of viral school board meeting moments infecting our communities. 

Our nonpartisan BoardBOOST program provides complete Board of Education training — only to those accepted into our program. We are not associated with NJSBA and none of our training will qualify for any required ”statutes referenced to “N.J.S.A. 18-A:33-1 et seq.” We are an independent nonprofit organization providing this program.

As a small nonprofit, our tools and services are provided to BoardBOOST candidates as in-kind donations from our talented list of volunteers. These are worth thousands of dollars that are provided at no charge to you. You will be taught on how to disclose and file these in-kind donations on your ELEC reports. 

    1. Nonpartisan voter lists — get a list of voters in your community without going through your political committee and there’s no obligation to campaign with candidates up-ballot!
    2. Curated list of printers
    3. Free professional headshots and,
    4. Complete campaign design — door hangers, social media frames, Facebook public candidate page banners, lawn signs, voter cards and postcards.

We rely on referrals. For more information and for consideration of submission, please go to: http://tinyurl.com/2024BOEQuestionnaire